Clisa fripta sau slanina fripta



  •  clisa (slanina) afumata,
  • paine.


  1. Bucati mari de clisa crestata se infig pe bete taite din copaci (lemnul sa fie verde), si se tin deasupra jarului.
  2. Unsoarea se picura pe paine. Se mananca cu branza, rosii, castraveti si alte bunatati.
  3. Dupa aceea se ia un medicament pt digestie. 🙂

Pofta buna!



  1. bucatarmaniac

    This dish it`s kind of tradition in Romania.
    I was with my family in the countryside.
    For the first of may (Workers’ Day)
    people in Romania use to go barbaque. There are other traditional dishes to but this one is my favorite. I will post the other recepies as soon as i will make them. One thing I can tell you: they all go with beer!

  2. bucatarmaniac

    it`s great! My town is right at the boundary of Hungaria! I hope you will be my guest for a barbeque!

  3. bucatarmaniac

    I wish you a good journey!

  4. That fried bacon looks so yummy!

    You’re having a barbeque with friends in the suburb?

  5. Oh my god, I think I will love Romania! If I go to Hungary to visit my host family there in the future, I will definitely stop by Romania, it sounds a great country to me. Thanks for letting me know about this, this is fantastic!

  6. That’s very sweet of you, many thanks for the invitation in advance!! Have a great weekend! I’ll be travelling to Taipei from 1-3 May! Talk to you later.

  7. am narozit cand m-am uitat la clisa fripta :(((((((( si crumpi pe disc, mi-am adus aminte de copilarie, cand faceau bunicii asta in curtea de la sat :((((( daca ma mai uit mult pe site o iau razna ma pun pa masina si vin acasa :(((((((( offff ce dor mi de banatul meu drag :(((( vreau acasa!!!!!

  8. bucatarmaniac


  9. Doamne ce pofta mi-ai facut cu clisa asta … n-am mai mancat de nici nu mai stiu cand. Trebuie sa merg cat de curand pe la ai mei … 😉 Ai mei pun peste feliile de paine ceapa verde tocata, apoi scurg peste unsoarea. Este ceva senzational !

  10. bucatarmaniac

    Pofta buna! Am sa incerc si cu ceapa verde tocata pe paine. Noi o mancam langa paine sau mai e bun sa freci painea unsa cu usturoi!……mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  11. Vaiiii ce dor mi-e de clisa facuta la iarba verde, cu tepusa facuta din crengile din jur, mancata pe ziar, iar uleiul ala nesanatos dar delicios picurat pe paine…. mmmmm…


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